

8 Marketer Pain Points in 2024: How Creative Automation Helps Get Your Banners in Order

Banner production is a delicate juggling act between marketing budgets, stakeholder and user expectations, tight deadlines, and the challenge of banner blindness. As a global marketer navigating display advertising, you might be dealing with some common challenges right now. Let’s take a closer look at those challenges - and explore how ad creative automation can provide solutions. Keep reading!


Liza Dziahel, Marketing Manager

ad creative automation
global marketing

Understanding Marketers' Struggles: 8 Bottlenecks in Your Display Ads Management Process

Generating Creative Ideas


As a global marketing manager, one of your biggest struggles is consistently generating fresh and innovative ideas for banner ads. Creative blocks can slow down the launch of advertising campaigns that need to break through banner blindness and deeply connect with your target audience!

Lack of Customization in Your Creatives

Anticipated trends moving into 2024 highlight personalization, the customer experience, and an omnichannel user journey. Relying solely on ready-made, generic, or stock banners lacks the customization needed for your campaign to perform well across different markets and audience segments. This may prevent your team from achieving the desired return on ad spend (ROAS), high impressions, and click-through rates (CTR).

Slow Banner Creation Process

The complex creative process can be frustratingly slow, especially when your department requires a large volume of different banner ad formats and sizes. Delays in launching ads lead to missed opportunities, the inability to quickly respond to market trends, and limited time for strategic aspects of your work.

Limited Number of Creatives

Juggling the need for variety with time and resource constraints often results in a limited pool of banner ads, making it difficult to experiment and pinpoint the most effective CTA, message, or color combination for your audience.

Limited Campaign Scalability

If you're working in a global organization that has (or aims to have) a presence in more than one market, you need to ensure compliance with regional and cultural preferences, as well as the linguistic accuracy of your CTAs and brand slogans. Maintaining brand consistency across all languages becomes another challenge: you need to create visuals that uphold brand integrity while considering the cultural context of your diverse target audience. Localizing banner ads becomes an independent process of its own, significantly slowing down your campaign's time to market (TTM).

Slow Stakeholder Approval Process


Obtaining approvals for banner ads can be time-consuming, particularly when multiple rounds of reviews, adjustments, and approvals are involved without an effective project communication platform. The slow approval process hampers the execution of agile and adaptable campaigns, which are crucial in meeting ever-evolving audience demands.

Organizing Creative Assets in One Place

Without an efficient solution for digital asset management, finding the right creative assets becomes a time-consuming task that decreases the efficiency of your creative workflow.

Adapting to Different Platform Requirements

Customizing creatives to meet the specifications of diverse advertising platforms adds yet another intricacy to the creative process. You need to consider size, format, and other specifications for each platform, which further complicates the workflow.

How Creative Automation Optimizes Your Banner Management Workflow

There are ways to make your workflow as a marketer faster, more efficient, and cost-effective. One of them is to integrate creative automation tools and platforms into your global marketing strategy.

By creative automation, we mean tools that streamline manual activities like resizing, constructing templates, or tailoring content elements — such as headlines, images, colors, and fonts — and offers to align with the unique characteristics of each buyer persona.


Here are some perks that they offer:

1. Time and cost savings

Banner creation and management platforms allow you to minimize the time spent on minor adjustments, eliminating repetitive steps and operational inefficiencies from your workflow.


For your organization, the time saved on creating banners and scaling translates to quicker production, faster time-to-market, and reduced costs.

On an individual level, freeing your team from monotonous tasks clears mental space for more meaningful work like big ideas, creative testing, brainstorming, and optimization.

2. Scalability and personalization

Specialized banner creation platforms help you move towards agile and scalable banner production, regardless of your marketing team's size — even if you're a team of one. The once time-consuming process of updating marketing touchpoints for days can now be accomplished in a single session. This translates into an abundance of curated, customized touchpoints that speak directly to your personas, elevating your marketing to a new level of personalization.

While specific metrics may vary for each organization, we've witnessed remarkable results teams transitioning from static, rarely updated banners in a single language to quarterly production of extensive multilingual banner campaigns featuring over 2000 variations customized to suit the campaign, buyer persona, and location — all without the need to hire an agency or expand the in-house team.

3. Always-on A/B testing

Personalized messages make up half the battle for users to remember your brand in the early steps of their customer journey as they enter the funnel. However, these messages must be tailored and undergo evolution and diversification throughout the funnel. This prevents them from becoming overly familiar to users who've seen your ad multiple times. Achieving this level of variation requires a considerable number of assets, and traditional manual banner production methods may prove to be excessively slow for this purpose.

Fear not! Banner creation platforms are here to address your mass production needs:

  • Perfect your designs, wordings, color choices, and CTAs
  • Launch updated campaigns into the digital space for testing
  • Continuously analyze campaign performance to discern customer pain points, desires, and the effectiveness of different offerings

Who benefits from creative automation

Сreative ad automation platforms are especially useful when:

  • Your marketing strategy has a distinct audience segmentation and many buyer personas.
  • You follow an ongoing testing process to find the best combination of design, call-to-action, and offering for each one of your buyer personas.
  • You often update banner campaigns to create seasonal promotions or loyalty advertising campaigns.